WWDC19 #
Modernizing Your UI for iOS 13 - Wednesday
Session materials: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/224/ A sample project with complex options will be available here.
Effective from April 2020
- Launch images are dropped completely, launch storyboards are the only way to go
- iOS 13 will always stretch apps to the fullscreen of the current device, no more empty bars at the top and the bottom
- Support split screen multitasking
New Bar Appearance
- Free when you link against iOS13 ``` let appearance = UINavigationBarAppearance()
appearance.titleTextAttributes = [] appearance.largeTitleTextAttributes = []
navigationBar.standardAppearance = appearance
// Navigation bar appearances .standardAppearance, .compactAppearance, .scrollEdgeAppearance
// button appearances .buttonAppearance, .doneButtonAppearance
`UIToolbarAppearance` & `UITabBarAppearance`
- Similar things applies to individual navigation Items for a specific navigation bar appearance for a single view in the hierarchy
## New Presentation Styles
- They stack on top of each other like a deck
- Dynamic readable width for the presented sheet
- `UIModalPresentationStyle.automatic` -> Resolving to different styles based on the parent view that are presenting
- `UIModalPresentationStyle.pageSheet` -> Automatic resolves to this one for custom view controllers
- `UIModalPresentationStyle.formSheet`
- `.fullScreen` if this is desired intentionally
- `.popover` to get the built in popover style
- Pull to dismiss in sheets are supported out of the box
// UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate
func draftDidChange() {} func presentationControllerDidAttemptToDismiss(_:) { // Ideally present an action sheet here to warn the user } func shouldDismiss() {} func willDismiss() {} func didDismiss() {} ```
Share Extensions
These will automatically become sheets
- Use sheets
- Implement the modal flow
scope and search button are finally can be hidden!!!UISearchTextField
is finally a normal UITextField which can be easily customized!!!searchController.showSearchResultController
let’s to show/hide results in the built in controller
Search Tokens
- Available on any
- Copy & Paste
- Drag & drop these tokens
- Always precedes text
- Can be selected and deleted
- Mixed selections are allowed
Creating Tokens
field.replaceTextualPortion -> with the token
Ranges and Positions
only gives the range of a piece of text without a token preceding
Selection Gestures in Custom Text Views
-> allows adding native text editing actions to a custom textView as long asUITextInput
protocol is conformed- Three lines of code
- Editable and non-editable text interactions
- Use UITextInput protocol to control selection UI
Multiple Selection Gestures in Tables and Collections
- Quickly select batch items in collection and tableViews
- Two finger and slide down will put the view to the edit mode and pan across the area to select the cells!
- Hold shift or cmd key on a hardware keyboard will do the same on these views
- “Select” turns into “Cancel” or “Done”
- Show action buttons after multiple selection is triggered
Editing Gestures